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The school as a place for practice

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How are we educating children and adolescents? Few are indifferent to this question. Which is just as well. As it stimulates dialogue on the topic. And Djapo is keen to participate in this dialogue.

How Education for Sustainable Development contributes to quality education

The School as a Place for Practice is Djapo’s vision on how
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) contributes to
an education that gives children and adolescents opportunities
to occupy a mindful and resilient position in society. Djapo’s
vision of ESD suggests a contemporary approach in which
educators use the complexity and urgency of societal issues to
generate fertile, relevant opportunities for development.

ESD is sometimes seen as separate from and additional to an
already well-rounded educational curriculum. This publication
changes this view, providing a practice-based vision of ESD as
a unique opportunity to strengthen our educational system.


L'école comme espace de pratique

Comment l’Education au Développement Durable contribue-t-elle à la qualité de l’enseignement ?

De school als oefenplaats

Hoe Educatie voor Duurzaam Onderwijs bijdraagt aan kwaliteitsvol onderwijs.

"Education is the key to a sustainable world"

1 April 2023

An interview with Arjen Wals, professor of Transformative Learning at Wageningen University

"Sustainability issues have unique pedagogical potential"

11 May 2023

Professor Dr Katrien Van Poeck (Centre for Sustainable Development UGent) talks about the pedagogical potential of Education for Sustainable Development and the pitfalls when sustainability issues are discussed in class.

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