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Make your thinking visible

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Visual thinking tools stimulate and support a specific thinking process and make it visible. But why is this so important? We zoom in briefly on the benefits.

Why make your thinking visible?

Humans are born thinkers. We look for patterns and explanations because they make us feel safe. From an early age, we do this. All the more reason to pay attention to the thinking culture in the classroom from preschool age. After all, thinking and learning go hand in hand.

A class full of thinkers

When explicit attention is paid to their thinking processes in class, students themselves become aware of their thinking strategies and show more interest in them. They cultivate an alertness to situations in which certain thinking strategies can help and they are willing to reflect on their own thinking. They also develop a positive attitude towards thinking and learning.

Children and young people who consciously engage with their thinking can therefore think more creatively and practise their problem-solving thinking. In doing so, teachers who understand their class' thinking processes can better support learning.

A thinking culture in the classroom supports children and young people in self-directed learning.

More on visual thinking tools?

Our guide tells you what visual thinking tools are and how to use them in your classroom. Note: the guide is only available in Dutch though.

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