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Djapo wins audience award 'Heroes of Democracy'

22 April 2024

This spring, Knack teamed up with Hannah Arendt Institute, De Ambrassade, Socius and De Federatie to search for organisations that strengthen democracy. During the 'Facts to Act' festival, the winners were announced: Beste Burger (Zuidpoort) won the jury prize and Djapo won the audience prize! *proud*

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A total of 18 items found. Showing 18 items on page 1 of 3.

"Keep communicating: that's the lesson I take away as principal

6 June 2024

In 2024, 11 Flemish teachers and school directors take part in the European LIFE project. They start a search for the meaning of their personal and professional lives and reflect on important life questions. But how does such a journey affects a person? And does LIFE also have an impact on their job? We asked Leen Langenbick, principal of Torhout Art Academy.

Djapo wins audience award 'Heroes of Democracy'

22 April 2024

This spring, Knack teamed up with Hannah Arendt Institute, De Ambrassade, Socius and De Federatie to search for organisations that strengthen democracy. During the 'Facts to Act' festival, the winners were announced: Beste Burger (Zuidpoort) won the jury prize and Djapo won the audience prize! *proud*

Agriculture and horticulture: a distant concern?

23 February 2024

What are farmers doing for the climate? How much energy does a greenhouse consume? And how does a small livestock farmer look at animal welfare? The project 'Farmer(in): climate measure!' of the Province of East Flanders supports farmers and horticulturists to discuss these questions with children and young people.

"Educational quality, student welfare, teacher welfare: what do you focus on as a school?"

21 February 2024

Nele Verdonck from the Daltonatheneum Het Leerlabo in Westerlo participates in the European LIFE project. Accompanied by Djapo, she reflects on the meaning of life inside and outside the school gates. Because re-energising is desperately needed. Especially for school staff, who are dealing with so many different issues.

'Who am I, what can I do, what do I want'?

11 September 2023

Besides qualification and socialisation, personality formation is an important function of education. Yet this search for one's own identity sometimes remains underexposed. Prof Katrien Van Poeck explains how Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) offers opportunities for personality formation in the classroom.

Tough taboo or hot topic? In-service training class discussions on controversial topics

In practice
6 July 2023

From J.K. Rowling's transphobic statements to fast fashion. The PXL Hasselt teacher training students do not shy away from any topic during the session on class discussions around controversial themes. No taboo is too challenging for these budding teachers.

"The Nobel Prize makes the concept of peace tangible for students"

15 June 2023

Thanks to the Flemish Peace Institute, three classes of third-grade secondary education each year help decide who the Peace Institute will nominate as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize that year. Djapo worked out a teaching bundle to prepare students for this.

"Children and young people are often more open to repair options"

30 May 2023

How do you encourage consumers to deal more sustainably with broken electrical and electronic appliances? The partners of Interreg project Sharepair saw opportunities for this in education and asked Djapo to develop a teaching package for primary and secondary education.