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ESD with effect: 3 key conditions

11 May 2023

How to make Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) a success? A broad view of educational goals, critical pluralism and authentic challenges: Prof Katrien Van Poeck outlines the key conditions.

Condition 1: a broad view of educational goals

Katrien Van Poeck: "Qualification, socialisation, personality formation: each of these 3 functions deserves a place in good education. ESD lends itself ideally to personality formation, because sustainability issues affect us personally and provide an opportunity to engage in dialogue in the classroom about our divergent beliefs."

"You can't just provoke that. The trick is to be open to it and seize opportunities when they present themselves from the classroom. As a teacher, though, you can optimise the circumstances by providing a safe classroom context in which students reveal their personal beliefs. Or by choosing forms of work that do not require that, such as a writing assignment."

"Those who have their students' best interests at heart also question their opinions."

Katrien Van Poeck
Centre for Sustainable Development UGent

Condition 2: pluralism without relativism

Katrien Van Poeck: "In ESD, a pluralistic view is necessary. Try to study as many different perspectives as possible. No non-committal rounds of spouting opinions in which every view carries equal weight and you get bogged down in misplaced relativism. Instead, take each perspective seriously and examine it critically together, so that you can also decide together to discard an opinion if it does not hold water. Those who have their students' best interests at heart also question their opinions."

Condition 3: authentic challenges

Katrien Van Poeck: "A lot is at stake in sustainability issues. Climate, refugees, a healthy living environment: these topics touch us personally. When we bring authentic challenges into the classroom, we can - without instrumentalising education - boost pupils' engagement and critical sense."

More on our vision for ESD?

Published on 11 May 2023

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