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Djapo wins audience award 'Heroes of Democracy'

22 April 2024

This spring, the belgian magazine Knack teamed up with Hannah Arendt Institute, De Ambrassade, Socius and De Federatie to search for individuals, collectives and organisations that strengthen democracy. During the 'Facts to Act' festival, the winners were announced: Beste Burger (Zuidpoort) winning the jury prize and Djapo winning the audience prize! *proud*

What is 'Knack Heroes of Democracy'?

Our democracy is under pressure. 56 per cent of Belgians feel unrepresented by the federal and/or regional government. 51 per cent feel that their vote does not count. 70 per cent feel that politicians in Belgium put their own interests above those of the people. These are just some of the results of an exclusive Knack poll that exposes how our democracy is under pressure.

That is why Knack, together with Hannah Arendt Institute, Socius, De Federatie and De Ambrassade, went in search of individuals, collectives and organisations that strengthen democracy: original, motivating and inspiring projects that bridge different voices, visions and opinions. Initiatives that move away from black-and-white thinking and go full-on for shades of grey, nuance and a wide range of views. The people behind the strongest project will be crowned Knack heroes of Democracy 2024 in the spring.

And the winners are ...

From 125 entries, the jury shortlisted five wonderful projects and organisations: Afromedica, Beste Burger, Coop Centraal, Djapo and Woonzaak. They stood a chance to win two prizes: a jury prize and a public prize for which everyone could vote.

The jury chose 'Beste Burger', Zuidpoort's fine project that builds bridges between worlds that seem to be increasingly far apart, actively involves citizens in policy and lets people who are in danger of dropping out participate in democracy again. Beste Burger was awarded a handsome report in Knack and may formulate a research question that the Knack editors will work out for them.

The audience award went - *jump in the air* - to Djapo. We were awarded for our efforts - together with education - to empower children and young people to help shape the world. We even won an interview in Knack with a discussion partner of our choice and a networking opportunity. With shaking knees, we accepted the prize. And are we proud!

Published on 22 April 2024

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