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Learning from and with each other

Developing global citizenship competences of teacher educators through the 'Lesson Study' methodology. That was the intent of the project 'Global education for teacher educators through international Lesson Study' by knowledge centre Kruit (now: BeGlobal).

Djapo gave input as an expert in Education for Sustainable Development.

Getting everyone around the table

'Global education for teacher educators' is one of Kruit's innovative partnership projects, in collaboration with VVOB, Lesson Study, HoWest Brugge and Malcolm Moffat College of Education in Zambia.

VVOB brought teacher educators from Howest Brugge and the Malcolm Moffat College of Education (Zambia) around the table. Under the guidance of Steven Mannens of Lesson Study, they went through the Lesson Study cycle together. In a first phase, the teachers formulated a research question focusing on the student learning process.

Djapo's view

Colleague Sabine gave advice, tips and asked critical questions about the teacher educators' lesson design. Then some students were observed and interviewed during the first lesson. Teachers from the Malcolm Moffat College of Education also participated in the observations and interviews. Based on the joint findings and an in-depth evaluation, the first lesson design 'Systems Thinking' of teacher Leen van der Stock (HoWest Brugge) was adjusted. An added value for the teacher herself, as it allowed her to put systems thinking in an international perspective.

Rich insights, rich lessons

This approach was also replicated at the Malcolm Moffat College of Education in Zambia. Teachers exchanged experiences and ideas, and this had a positive effect on the quality of teaching.