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Research projects

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCE) have become fully-fledged research domains over the past decades. Djapo plays a unique role in these, as we bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Below you find an overview of (some) of our research projects. Would you like to know more about our methods and teaching materials? Please contact colleague Sabine Anné.

Make science education socially relevant

How do you make primary and secondary pupils curious about science? The European project COSMOS believes that opportunities grow when you integrate relevant social issues into science education.

Life Worth Living: Caring for our Educators and Principals

As a teacher or school board, how do you stay focused on what really matters? How do you get more meaning out of your personal and professional life? The European project LIFE sets out with teachers and school boards in search of answers.

"Sustainability issues have unique pedagogical potential"

Katrien Van Poeck
Centre for Sustainable Development UGent

Systems thinking for GCE

How do you engage with elementary school students around sustainability issues? And how do you structurally anchor this approach as part of GCE in teacher education? This is what Djapo researched together with the preschool and primary education teacher training programs at Vives and Howest.

Digital Destiny

How to create a quality ESD learning environment in a blended learning context? Djapo explored that question with four European partners in the Erasmus+ project Digital Destiny.

Learning from and with each other

Djapo participated in 'Global education for teacher educators through international Lesson Study', a project that aims to develop teacher educators' global citizenship competences through the Lesson Study methodology.

Eager to work together around ESD or GCE?