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Life Worth Living: Caring for our Educators and Principals

As a teacher or school board member, how do you stay focused on what really matters? How do you give meaning to your personal and professional life? The European project LIFE sets out with 12 teachers and principals - in search of answers.

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People finding more meaning in life also feel stronger in the workplace. That is the idea behind the project Life Worth Living: Caring for our Educators and Principals (LIFE). Building on methodologies and concepts from the Life Worth Living course at Yale University, we are putting together a group of teachers and school principals who want to take time with us to root and knead the big questions of life

Personal development and professional growth

In 2024, we meet regularly to consider a question that has occupied philosophers, scientists and poets for centuries: what really makes life worth living?

  • We delve into philosophical and inspirational texts from around the world, past and present.
  • We will engage with each other on the big questions of life.
  • We take time for self-reflection through movement, rituals, creation ...

By making time for these moments, we want to support teachers and school board members to discover what they really find important in life and thus become more decisive in their jobs.

"Educational quality, student welfare, teacher welfare: what do you focus on as a school?"

Nele Verdonck
care coordinator GO! daltonatheneum Het Leerlabo

Our tutors

An Yskout

Who am I?

A frisky fighter, bitten by education and growth of people and organizations. Dancing from concepts to practice and back. Hopping between the richness of all kinds of worlds: youth work, organizational development, coaching, spirituality, creativity, movement, nutrition ...

What do I do?

Building bridges, creating places of freedom and courage, initiating wildness, living, trial and error, rooting, searching, ...

Why did I say 'yes' to LIFE?

A 'yes' to: searching for value, journeying together, creating a place to think and explore freely, the power of education, life!

What makes me happy?

Sun on my face, connection, the beauty of a person, nature, letting go of wildness, feeling alive.

Anniek Gavriilakis

Who am I?

A woman who goes through life loving everything that lives.

What do I do.

Feeling and celebrating all aspects of life. Finding, through trial and error, the most honest expression of my soul.

Why did I say yes to LIFE?

It was an invitation that fits immensely with who I am. The programme touches my essence. I am proud to contribute to a worthwhile project like LWL.

What gives me joy?

Beauty. Courage. Expression. Freedom. Connection. People making their own original moves in this life.

Stay tuned

Would you like to know more about the project? Then surf to our project website or follow the project on Facebook. In 2025, we are planning an event where we will share our experiences with the general public.

About LIFE

Life Worth Living: Caring for our Educators and Principals (LIFE) is a project funded by Erasmus+, the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Together with six partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland and Italy, Djapo will develop and implement a 'Life Worth Living' training course for teachers and school principals.