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Education for Sustainable Development

Our vision on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) helps determine Djapo's direction. But why are we convinced that ESD can contribute to quality education? You can read about it in our theoretical framework 'The school as a place for practice'.

ESD or GCE: what's in a name?

In 2014, Djapo resolutely chose Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as the pedagogical framework to realise our vision and mission. Yet we also often talk about Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and seem to use the two terms side by side. Why is that?

Make your thinking visible

In our theoretical framework, we emphasise how useful it is when children and young people learn to make their thinking visible. But why is this so?

Action-oriented thinking in practice

School as a place for practice aims to build confidence in children and young people around their own ability to shape society themselves.

But how do you do that in practice?