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Dries Van Itterbeeck

Function: business director

Favourite work format: anything that involves leaving your desk or conference table. Preferably with some movement, unfiltered thinking and a healthy dose of playfulness.

Ilse Meulemans

Function: employee support services

Enjoys working at Djapo because: we have the nicest colleagues!

Sien Trekker

Position: projects, development and innovation officer

Gets inside jitters from: witty comments and the right music at the right time

Wendy Blanckaert

Position: education officer

Wishes the education sector: tons of respect, uninhibited enthusiasm and curiosity, time to slow down and pause once in a while.

Ann Matton

Job title: education officer

My favourite way to spend a day off: be guided by the prompting of the moment, make or receive an unexpected visit, play a game, organize a cooking marathon ...

Ariana Dermine

Job title: communications officer

My guilty pleasure: watching Desperate Housewives with a plate of sushi and a glass of cava

An Yskout

Function: EDO team coordinator

Liesbet-Ann Verbruggen

Job title: communications manager

Guilty pleasure: singing along loudly to the songs of my son's favourite series: 'Blaze and the monster wheels' and 'Peter Rabbit'. 

Wim Jansens

Function: support services employee

Get energy from: counting down to holidays. Alternating hard work with carefree periods? Energy level = HIGH!

Sabine Anné

Function: development, research and innovation officer

Enjoys working at Djapo because: my curiosity is constantly stimulated and we like to alternate hard work with hard laughter.

Lien De Rieck

Position: educational director

Gets energy from: a supported vision that rings true, and which is then translated into action.

Bram Speleman

Position: development, research and innovation officer

Desires education: a context that energizes pupils and teachers

Kristien De Frenne

Job title: education officer

Gets energy from: little moments of happinesses throughout the day: a friendly train conductor, a warm welcome at a school, an unexpected chat, cycling in the sun or a hug on returning home

Heleen Dorpmans

Position: education officer

Gets energy from: guiding enthusiastic school teams!