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Djapo aims to create a working environment that ensures integrity for everyone and under all circumstances. Integrity is a living and shared process within Djapo, and a shared responsibility. This process is enshrined in our integrity policy.

When can you call on our hotline?

If you notice a possible breach of our core values, you can report it through this hotline.

Our core values are:

- respect and commitment
- sustainable and inclusive
- collaborative and inspiring
- critical and authentic

Who can report a possible integrity violation?
Djapo staff members, members of the board of directors and general assembly, interns, volunteers and partners, or persons otherwise involved with Djapo.

Where can you report a possible integrity violation?

If you are aware of facts connected with Djapo that violate our core values, you can file a complaint by sending an email to our hotline. Lien De Rieck is our complaints manager.

Please mention in your mail:

  • date
  • contact details: first name, surname, e-mail address, telephone
  • which organisation you are connected to
  • the nature of your relationship with Djapo
  • the report or complaint itself
  • all persons, parties and witnesses involved
  • the time of the integrity violation
  • how you became aware of these facts
  • additional supporting documents, e.g. e-mails or invoices

If necessary, the complaints manager will contact you to complete the details of the complaint together. Are you a minor? If so, please indicate who we may contact to further clarify your complaint.

How does Djapo handle possible integrity violations?

We apply the following principles when dealing with a report:

  • confidential treatment
  • protection of reporter and victim
  • objectivity and independence
  • a non-retaliation policy

There is no ready-made answer for every question or situation. But we have a framework and a procedure that allow us to formulate the right answer for each specific question and situation.

This policy in no way replaces the legal or regulatory provisions in force.

Core principles and procedures in handling reports

After receiving a report, our complaints procedure kicks in:

Core principles of the complaints procedure

Confidential treatment of the complaint by the complaints manager. Other people may be involved in the handling of the complaint, if required. Please note that making a complaint is done confidentially (anonymised), but cannot be done anonymously. A complaint with malicious intent means that this protection is lost in the procedure.

Protection of reporter and victim (a reporter does not necessarily have to be a victim himself). At each stage of our procedure, priority is given to assessing whether the victim needs support or protection. If deemed necessary, an external party such as the police or a social or psychological support service is called in.

Objectivity and independence of the complaints manager in handling the complaint.

We operate a non-retaliation policy: There should be no connection between reporting a complaint and experiencing direct or indirect adverse consequences, such as loss of status or benefits, harassment or threats.

Roadmap for handling complaints

  1. The Complaints Manager treats a received complaint and accompanying information confidentially, and does not share information that is sensitive or may compromise the anonymity of those involved (potential victims as well as perpetrators).
  2. The Complaint Manager makes an initial assessment as to whether the complaint does indeed violate the core values of the organisation, and is therefore admissible.
    o To this end, the Complaint Manager may seek the support (without jeopardising the confidentiality of the person/organisation with a complaint) of the Integrity Advisors.
    o In case of doubt, the complaint will be declared admissible and investigated further.
  3. The Complaint Manager will compose an Integrity Committee to handle the complaint:
    o This committee will consist of three members: the Complaint Manager, one of the two Integrity Advisors (depending on the nature of the complaint) and one member of the Board of Directors.
    o When composing the Integrity Committee, the Complaint Manager will ensure that neutrality and confidentiality are guaranteed with regard to the content of the complaint and the person who filed the complaint.
  4. The Integrity Committee handles the complaint:
    o Does it involve a breach of the organisation's values?
    o How serious is the breach?
    o What measures should be taken?
  5. When dealing with the complaint, the Integrity Committee applies the following principles:
    o Djapo's values are the starting point.
    o Neutrality and confidentiality are respected as much as possible.
    o Integrity is a process in which the members of the committee make assessments on an equal footing and consider different perspectives.
    o Measures are proportionate in relation to the seriousness of the breach.
  6. If the Complaints Manager and/or the Integrity Advisors themselves are closely involved in the complaint, or insufficient neutrality or confidentiality can be guaranteed
    o they pass the complaint on to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who then assembles an integrity committee according to the same principles.
    o The Chairman can, if necessary, also enlist external support for this purpose.
  7. Passing on the complaint to the Board of Directors can also be done at the request of the person/organisation that filed the complaint.
  8. Neutrality, confidentiality and the principle of non-repudiation are respected as much as possible.
  9. After handling the complaint, the Complaints Manager is responsible for informing the person who made the complaint of the outcome of the complaints procedure.
  10. If, from the handling of the complaint, measures are deemed necessary, such measures will be implemented by the Director and the usual hierarchy of the organisation.
  11. The Complaints Manager is responsible for the documentation and reporting of the complaint, respecting confidentiality.
  12. The Complaint Manager may request the support of the Integrity Advisors for the above points.